Gift Packages for Soon to Be Parents

Becoming a new parent is a scary journey to embark on. There are many unknowns that new parents must face. Give the gift of confidence to your new parents. We offer various packages and Desiree will personally come to their home ( if in the Phoenix or Las Vegas area) and ensure their success.
Because Desiree is committed to her clients, she always follows up to see how things are going, so expect to hear from her! In addition, she is happy to provide unlimited support for a period of days to weeks, depending on the package you chose, following their consultation. If you have any questions about her services, please feel free to email, call or text her.
What does a newborn care specialist cost?
We have newborn care specialist packages for any need or budget.
Contact us today to discuss what package is right for you!
Need help sleep training?
Start off learning how to sleep train your baby, preventing any sleep issues from arising.
*Please note that all packages are the same except for the amount of time you choose for unlimited phone support for remote sleep training.

Everything New Parents Need to Know
About Caring for Their Infant
Baby Care Basics Class
Fee: $275
Learn all the basic baby care you need to know after the arrival of your baby. Desiree will come to you and work within the comforts of your home. You will practice diapering, dressing and swaddling your baby. Other topics covered will include:
- Basic infant care
- Diapering
- Dressing
- Circumcision care
- Cord care
- Best positions for feedings
- How to prepare bottles
- Best positions for burping
- Different positions for holding
- How to soothe your crying baby
- Swaddling techniques
- How to read your baby’s sleepy signs
- How to lengthen your baby’s night sleep
- Bathing
- Taking baby’s temperature
- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Introduction to Parenthood Package
Best suited for babies 1 day old to 1 year old.
Fee: $495
This package includes:
- Initial In-Depth Phone, FaceTime or In-Home Visit (typically 2-3 hours) with Desiree, to review baby’s schedule and routine.
- Unlimited phone support for 3 days. (9a-7p)
- Answering any baby care questions.
- Ensuring proper nursery set up conducive for proper sleep.
- Teach you daytime/ nighttime schedule and routine for a typical day for baby.
- Teach you how to sleep train/condition your baby to take great naps right away and to sleep a 12-hour stretch at night by the time the baby is 10-12 weeks of age.