I bet you’re here and reading this because you are DRIVING YOURSELF CRAZY with worry and anxiety about how hot or how cold your house is, and is it the best temperature for your little noodle. You’re here thinking that I would be able to tell you the exact optimal temperature to a specific degree, BUT NOPE!! The optimal temperature for your little one isn’t an exact science. It’s common sense! There are some things that we do know about temperature and sleep for babies, but just like with adults, every baby is different.
What Do We Know About Sleep Temperature
Keeping your baby’s sleeping space too hot to the point where they are overheated can increase the chance of SIDS. Research has found that a running fan in the room decreases the chance of SIDS by 72 percent. That’s a pretty amazing statistic. It also points to how important sleeping conditions are for your little noodle.
As adults, our body helps to control our temperature. When it’s warmer during the day, we’re alert and awake. During the afternoon, the temperature can dip down causing you to feel less awake than you did previously. Then, once the night has fallen, the temperature drops even further and your body starts releasing a hormone called Melatonin that helps to put us to sleep. During the early morning hours, our bodies start preparing to wake us up for the next cycle. This time period is typically when you’ll be sleeping the lightest. The same is also true for your baby.
What’s the Ideal Sleep Temperature?
During some research for the ideal temperature to have your baby’s room at, I found most say about 70 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This number is a range because what feels comfortable to one family may be uncomfortable for another. A good rule of thumb is keeping in mind how hot or cold you feel. If you’re sleeping with several blankets, baby will need to be kept a bit warmer. Since most children don’t keep blankets on all night long until they are almost two, it’s a good idea to dress them warmly. For little ones that a blanket won’t be useful for, think layers. Onesies, thermal pajamas, pajamas with feet and other warmer clothes in layers will work based on how chilly your home gets during the colder months.
Basically, you want your child to be warm enough that they aren’t too cold, but not so warm they are uncomfortable or unable to sleep. Do they feel overly warm to the touch or a bit chilly? Adjust the temperature of the room or how they are dressed to help them reach that ideal sweet spot.
What About Technology?
There are gadgets for just about everything you do with your baby. There are plenty of products that claim to tell you if the room is too hot, but honestly, I’ve found them not to be accurate. They will often all tell you that your baby’s room is too hot even that’s not actually the case. You’re your best thermometer. The commonsense rule that if you’re feeling just right, your little noodle will be mostly just right. If you’re feeling too cold or overly warm, your little noodle will be about the same. Also, feel your baby. Do they feel warm and sweaty? If they do, don’t use so many layers for their clothes. If they feel a little cold, add a layer. It’s that simple!
Finding the right temperature for sleep isn’t about chasing a magic number. It just doesn’t exist. It’s all about finding what works for your little and your family. Quit stressing about the perfect temperature! You’ll drive yourself nuts!!
SIDE NOTE- My current clients have a well insultated home, it is about 88 degrees outside during the day and about 64 degrees at night and they have their home thermostat set at 76* It’s perfect. Also, I can’t tell you how many homes I’ve gone into and it was BEYOND freezing in their house. I discuss this with them and they all say ” We are freezing, but it’s what all the books say to keep the temperature at, so we do it.” Can you imagine their electricity bill?! This is beyond nuts!!! Keep your home at a temperature that you are comfortable at and baby will be just fine!!!
Are you having problems with sleep or other issues with your little noodle? Contact me today to discuss how I can help.