Nighttime Care Testimonials
Dear Desiree,
Jane, Benjamin and I owe you our sanity. I must admit, being a Pediatrician, I was somewhat skeptical when Jane said she heard of this “amazing baby whisperer” that can get babies sleeping through the night by 2-3 months. We spoke to a few other couples that had given their account of your miracle ways, and we were sold.
Words cannot describe the warmth, patience, and overall calming presence you brought into our home and Benjamin’s life. During our most overwhelming and stressful period, you were the calm around the storm. We tried to crack your shell of patience with our Type A personalities, but you wouldn’t budge. Every question was answered as if it was the first time we asked. We cannot quantify the collective sigh of relief when you came in the front door the first night we brought our little man home. You explained why you have had success in the past and what would help us in creating a plan that would work for our family. Not every family is alike, and you took the time to get to know us and what would be best for our lifestyle.
Thank you for being there for us, and your continued help. We hope to one day bring home a little brother or sister for Benjamin. Meet you in the driveway when that day comes! Until then, we look forward to more of your wisdom and passing along to our friends the secret to our success.
So it’s been just over 2 weeks since Baby M was born, and all is going well. As a matter of fact, most people that see me, a first time mom, in action, are telling me I seem pretty calm. I have to credit this calmness to Desiree Nessline of Arizona Baby Services.
Thankfully, I met Desiree through another first time mom (thanks Lori M) and planned ahead (aka booked her services months in advance), so that Desiree was able to spend our first 48 hours at home with us and the baby. Desiree is not only a night nurse. She’s a newborn specialist and her services include:
- Nighttime Care
- Infant Sleep Training
- Infant Sleep Consulting
- Infant Care Consulting
- Correction of “Poor Sleep Habits”
- Reflux/Colic Relief
- Around the Clock Infant Care (24/7)
- Preemie Care
- Multiples Care
- Preparing Baby’s Nursery
- Short Term Night Nanny
- Short Term Day Nanny
- Traveling Duty
Basically, Desiree is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to anything and everything baby-related. She helped me with preparing for the baby, the essentials I needed for the nursery, getting the baby on a sleep schedule, breast-feeding, pumping, swaddling, diaper changing, and so much more! Even after the time that Desiree spent with us, she’s made herself available to answer questions of all sorts… I am sure I will continue to use Desiree’s services in the future as needed and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for help whether you’re a first-time mom or if you have experience already. She is trustworthy, extremely talented and passionate about what she does, and fun to be around too.
My only advice: call her asap as she books out way ahead of time!
As a first time mother, having extremely premature identical triplets daughters was scary and daunting. When I brought them home after 13 1/2 weeks in the NICU, it was round the clock chaos. The best thing I could have done was to call Desiree. Not only did she provide me some much needed nights sleep, but she was extremely helpful in helping me get them on a schedule and on their way to healthy sleep patterns which eventually got them sleeping through the night earlier than I’d imagined. She gave me excellent advice all along the way. I can’t thank her enough for all she’s done to help me keep my sanity during those crazy first couple of months they were home. I’d highly recommend her to anyone wanting to hire a baby nurse to get their newborn’s early days on the right track.
Prior to the birth of our son, several friends and acquaintances urged us to consider hiring a baby sleep specialist. As proponents, they were emphatic about the positive results for their children and for themselves as parents. As we researched the topic, as well as professionals in the area, Desiree Nessline’s name rose to the surface as an outstanding provider. Desiree’s client list included three families we are familiar with.
In interviewing Desiree, her knowledge and passion for babies and children was immediately evident. Desiree was engaging, warm and enthusiastic and anxious to share her experiences and techniques. Her professionalism and personality made her a perfect fit for our family.
We contracted with Desiree to assist with teaching us how to care for our new born son, and to develop an eating and sleeping plan. During the first week home with our newborn, Desiree patiently taught us feeding, bathing, swaddling and sleeping techniques and schedules. Over the course of the following weeks, Desiree stayed overnight tending to our Son while we were able to sleep and rest, a significant factor in my wife’s rapid recovery from her C-Section.
As promised, our Son is now on an eating and sleeping schedule that works for him and he’s a very happy 4 month old baby. He sleeps from 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M each day without fail. His napping and eating schedule is consistent and works for him, my wife and me. In short, we could not have wished for a better outcome. My wife and I are equally well rested and able to enjoy Mommy and Daddy time each evening.
We look forward to working with Desiree when our second child arrives, and we strongly and without reservation recommend Desiree. We would be happy to discuss our positive experience with any of her potential clients.
We literally sleep better at night knowing that Desiree is caring for our babies. We hired Desiree at Arizona Baby Services during the first trimester. Her help preparing for the arrival of the twins greatly reduced our anxiety during the pregnancy. Desiree regularly kept in touch during the gestation to answer questions, prepare the nursery and ensure she was aware of any eventualities.
Desiree began caring for our babies the first night we were home from the hospital. As you might imagine, we were a little unraveled and she was awesome. Her experience greatly reduced our anxiety and she helped guide us through those first few weeks with much less stress and lots of sleep! Desiree allowed both of us to sleep as much as possible given the constraints of breastfeeding. I was regularly able to sleep overnight and I continued to practice without issue. My wife was able to sleep in large uninterrupted blocks and Desiree’s help with breastfeeding greatly improved my wife’s nights. I can not begin to explain the benefits of sleep; however, I will state empathetically that we are both better parents and partners when we are rested. It has made all the difference in the world. We actually enjoyed the first three months of our babies lives. We have no doubt that Desiree’s experience and techniques have lead to happier babies and that is evident by the fact that at 12 weeks, they are happily sleeping from 7pm-7am every night!
This letter is to serve as the highest recommendation possible for Desiree Nessline. My husband and I initially met Desiree at our Jewish Baby University Class, where she came to educate several families on the basics of newborn care. I was so impressed with her tremendous knowledge of infants, their development and care, and sleep training. Her kind, gentle manner and professional expert advice for the new parents were invaluable. I knew I just had to hire her!
We then had Desiree come for an in-home consultation, as our baby not get on a schedule and would not sleep at night or for naps. In fact, he was only sleeping for 20 minute intervals. Desiree was a LIFESAVER! She immediately came to our rescue and helped put our baby on a schedule with feedings and naps. It was amazing how our son responded. She also taught us swaddling, bathing, diaper changing, feeding and everything in between. When Desiree became available, we hired her for infant sleep training, surprisingly leaving us at the end of six weeks with our baby sleeping through the night! Desiree’s knowledge and help was crucial and she has certainly impacted not only our lives, but that of our baby’s as well. When it was time for her to leave, we felt confident to care for our little bundle of joy.
Desiree is a wonderful baby nurse, who shows extraordinary gentility, and provides tender care for her little patients. As new parents, we were so thankful for the guidance that she offered, and the peace of mind her presence provided. We are so grateful for her loving hands and infinite knowledge, especially at 3 am! We were so fortunate to start our “new lives” with her help and support. It was truly a pleasure having her in our home. We will hire her again when we hopefully have another child. Any family would be so lucky to work with her. Desiree is a complete professional with a warm, personal touch.
My name is Alexander, and I was born the day before Thanksgiving in 2010, a whole month early. We were working with another baby nurse to help sleep train me before Mommy had to go back to work — Mommy and Daddy are both attorneys, which means they are Very Busy People who sometimes need to do attorney-things after I go to sleep. But our baby nurse only worked during the weekdays, and suggested Desiree as my weekend sleep buddy. My parents could not have made a better choice in hiring her! Mommy and Daddy were very uneasy when I was born, since I was their first baby — a preemie, even — and neither of them had any experience with such little creatures. Every evening Desiree came to take care of me, she would ask them about my day, and sit with them to see if they had any questions or concerns about how I was doing. Desiree was so helpful in providing advice and really just being there for them.
Talking with Desiree, who is a very warm, caring person and very knowledgeable about the secret ways and habits of babies like myself, always made them feel better. Not to mention that Desiree was a wonderful sleep buddy for me! Everyone commented that I always seemed to sleep the best on the weekends, when she was there watching over me. Desiree was my weekend sleep buddy for almost three months. This was a huge help for Mommy especially, since she was pumping every few hours during the night at first. I was a challenge to sleep-train, especially since I had some reflux problems and was rather fond of crying several times during the night for some attention and a bottle. But little by little, Desiree helped stretch me from a point where I was getting four small bottles per night, to where I only needed one! Unfortunately, Desiree had to leave before I was completely sleep-trained due to a prior commitment, but she made sure to set us up with a colleague to see me through to the end. And sure enough, within a few weeks after Mommy went back to work, I was sleeping through the night completely — from 7:30pm until 7:15am! I am now over six months old, and still sleeping soundly through the night, which Mommy and Daddy are very thankful for.
I’m not a first time mom, and when I hired Desiree at Arizona Baby Services, I assumed it was all about one thing: Sleep.
As in, she would come, I would sleep. A perfect situation.
It turned out to be about more than that.
Desiree is a genius with babies.
My baby wasn’t particularly easy.
She spit up a ton: Desiree knew what to do.
She liked to be awake for two hours from midnight until 2am: Desiree knew how to fix that.
She screamed in the bathtub: Desiree had a recommendation, bath time became a pleasure.
She liked to eat every two hours all night long: Desiree trained her to not require food in the night by seven weeks old.
Yes, at first it was all about sleep – and it still is, a little. But in reality, it has been about swaddles and burping, baths & establishing good habits. I’m not sleep deprived, but neither is my baby…and THAT is priceless. You and your baby are in good hands with Desiree.
It is an honor and privilege to recommend Desiree Nessline as a Newborn Care Specialist/ Night Nurse. She lived with us for two weeks and for six weeks came to our home in the evenings. We feel so good about the start we have given our baby in his life and for us as a family. It is so overwhelming to come home from the hospital with a newborn baby. Our little guy also had to spend one week in the NICU. Desiree has had plenty of experiences with all different babies from multiples to babies with health issues. We have a beautiful baby boy who is a great sleeper, has a comfortable routine but can also be flexible. Desiree receives the credit for these gifts. She is so warm, caring, loving and confident. She knows babies so unbelievably well. She taught us how to hold him, how to burp him, how to read his different cries and most importantly to relax and enjoy him. She gained our immediate trust for our greatest treasure. Desiree made us feel so confident and organized as new parents. We love giving our baby a bath because Desiree taught us so patiently while she was in our home. It was important to me to nurse our baby. When I had questions or concerns Desiree was a tremendous resource. It was Desiree who first noticed that our baby boy had a hernia and was persistent about it even when it went unnoticed by our pediatrician.
If Desiree is available to take care of your baby you need to hire her immediately. She is worth every penny. Instead of feeling completely overwhelmed, we felt like human beings. So many of our friends state that the first couple of months with a newborn is horrible. My husband and I can honestly say that when we first brought our baby home we were truly able to enjoy him. Having Desiree helped us to be able to sleep, yes we as new parents got a decent amount of sleep and we are hands on parents. I was able to recover from a c-section delivery. In addition, getting sleep helped me nurse since my milk supply came in much better. My husband and I could not believe that we actually went out to dinner as a couple during the first week that we brought our baby home from the hospital.
We were nervous about having another adult in our home but Desiree always had such a good instinct for when to give our family alone time. She is extremely self-sufficient and does not need entertainment. If anything, we really enjoyed spending time with her. She is inspirational as a person and as a mother to her two children. She is such a breath of fresh air. We feel so blessed that such an amazing person was a part of our beginning memories as first time parents. There is no question that she cares deeply for our son. In fact, she has recently called to stop by to see him because she misses him so much. Desiree is the reason why my husband and I began as parents feeling healthy, happy and excited. I give her my highest recommendation and strongly urge you to hire her immediately. We certainly plan on it when we are blessed to have a second baby.
Having Desiree as our night nurse has changed our lives! She came into our home during the day, for 5 days and changed the whole dynamics of it in that short amount of time. Our son was 7 weeks old and had reflux and colic, according to our pediatrician. I had made an appointment with the G.I. Specialist to help get some sort of relief for him and us. I also had Desiree come in to put our son on an eating and sleeping schedule and within the 5 days that Desiree was here, she put him on such a schedule and he was responding to it so unbelievably well, that she felt he didn’t actually have reflux or colic at all. We cancelled our appointment with the G.I. Specialist after seeing dramatic differences in our son. Desiree actually informed us that he was being over fed and under slept. She worked with him, and us, all week and by the end of the first day even, he was a much happier baby. The difference was night and day. She also worked with me to help understand why certain things needed to be done and helped support me emotionally as we worked with our son to establish a schedule. She has so much knowledge and really knows babies. I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for her. She has made our home a happy place to be and we will forever be in her debt.
Desiree is a wonderful and warm baby nurse whom we immediately felt comfortable entrusting the care of our second child. She is a complete professional, from arriving on time, to washing her hands prior to touching our child, to her detailed notes of events throughout the night, to her fair billing policies and procedures. She has tremendous knowledge of infants, their development and care, and sleep training. We spent many nights tapping our brain regarding questions about sleep training and our son’s development. She would always explain the pro’s and the con’s of each direction and then let us decides what we felt most comfortable for us. Once we made a decision, she would always support us 100%. She also kept a regular log of our son’s feedings, attitude and overall health. She did everything she could to help our son sleep through the night including offering the use of her “miracle blanket.” She spent time going over how to use this complicated wonder and it is now part of our regular nighttime routine. She even pointed out abnormal skin patterns, which we later brought to the attention our physician. She was also a terrific resource regarding breast-feeding. She supported my wife and helped make the process positive and comfortable. Each night of her employ, we would immediately relax knowing that Desiree was caring for our child. This allowed us to rest and prepare for the next day’s excitement. Desiree was an absolute pleasure to work with. Her knowledge, professionalism, and caring attitude were present each and every night without fail. We are honored and pleased to have known her and had the benefit of her assistance.
It is with great pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Desiree Nessline. She came highly recommended to us from another NCS. She started when our babies were 1 week old and was our Newborn Care Specialist for 8 weeks. When she started with us, we immediately felt comfortable with her. When she first came in she could tell we were overwhelmed. She thoroughly explained what her role was to be and really put our minds at ease. She was a tremendous resource to us and really helped us to fully enjoy our experience as first time parents.Desiree is very punctual and professional. She has so much knowledge and true love for her job and that really shows in everything she does. Also, we were able to catch up on much needed sleep and we never once worried about our babies when they were in her capable hands. Desiree was able to help me get the babies on a day/night schedule. She is also very observant and brought to our attention that one of the babies was beginning to develop a flat head and we took immediate action to help correct this. She also made a reflux nest for the crib, as one of our babies had reflux. Again, it was an absolute pleasure to work with Desiree. She made such a huge difference in our home and we will, without any hesitation, recommend her to any and everyone that we know that has a baby or is getting ready to have a baby.
Desiree Nessline worked as our night nurse for our family from April 1st – June 30th, 2008. She took amazing care of our newborn son. Below are some extremely important qualities that Desiree possesses that were the primary reasons for why we hired her, and why we are thrilled to refer her to friends and family:
- Exceptionally knowledgeable and highly experienced in infant/newborn care.
- Highly professional.
- Reliable and timely.
- Very responsible, truthful and extremely trustworthy.
- Loving and tender with our newborn.
- Strong Common Sense.
- Always listened, respected and enacted our requests and our style of caring for our baby.
- Excellent at sleep training. Our baby was sleeping soundly through the night by 8 weeks.
- Keeps meticulous notes every night regarding quantity of milk intake, bowel movements, etc.
- Checked baby’s temperature on the hour if there was any sign of fever or discomfort.
- Extremely hygienel; always washes her hands prior to handling the baby. Always washed the bottles, pacifiers, and any additional items baby items used. She was always very respectable of our “house rules” on disposing of diapers, keeping the baby’s area clean, etc. She wore appropriate clothing to work every night.
- Flexible with coming early or working extra days if we needed.
I highly recommend hiring Desiree as a newborn care specialist for your newborn, so that you can relax and sleep through the night knowing that your baby is being watched, monitored and cared for in a tender, loving and highly professional manner.
Desiree was our newborn care specialist for our son during his first 5 weeks of life. She was extremely loving, gentle, and attentive to him, which was so important to us. She was a delight to have in our home, and we knew our son was in excellent hands. She was also an amazing resource to us. She helped us understand breastfeeding and his eating and sleeping habits, as well as answer questions we had regarding his overall well being. My husband and I always had questions or ideas about sleep training and daily routines…Desiree would always explain the pro’s and con’s, but go with what was most comfortable for us. She kept extremely detailed notes of each night with the baby, so we knew what was going on with the little guy. Desiree was always clean, reliable, responsible, punctual and professional. She was even willing to come early on occasion, so that my husband and I could have an evening out .We would absolutely recommend Desiree Nessline to someone that is looking for a Newborn Care Specialist. It is so obvious that she loves her job and the infants that she cares for.
It is with great pleasure that I write a letter of recommendation for Desiree Nessline. She was our night nurse from August 1, 2006 through September 17, 2006. Desiree not only exceptionally performed all her duties as a night nurse, exceeding all our expectations, but also was an integral, positive part of our daughter’s first weeks of life.
Desiree eagerly began her responsibilities from the moment we returned home from the hospital with our daughter. Beyond duties as a night nurse, she took on the role as our educator. Desiree shared her vast knowledge and experience of infants with us by example, in addition to numerous hands-on guidance. One of the most important aspects or working with Desiree was for her assistance in getting our daughter on a schedule (eating, sleeping, etc.). I am proud to write that with Desiree’s help, our daughter was on an ideal schedule and sleeping through the night at six weeks of age.
Throughout her time with us, Desiree was always extremely professional, punctual and demonstrated great pride in her ability. Our needs changed during the time that Desiree was working with us as we realized we needed more help than we originally planned and contracted. Desiree was flexible and able to accommodate our requests. In addition, we hired Desiree to stay in our home with our daughter while we were away for a twenty- four hour period. Desiree not only took wonderful care of our daughter, but also was extremely responsible in caring for our home.
I am honored to have had the pleasure of working with Desiree Nessline. Our daughter’s health, happiness and advanced development are all proof of Desiree’s outstanding abilities. I recommend her to any family that is fortunate to hire her as their night nurse.
It is with great pleasure that I write a second letter of recommendation for Desiree Nessline. She was our night nurse for our first daughter in 2006. When I found out I was pregnant again, Desiree was the second phone call I made (after my husband). After such great success with our first daughter, it was essential that we hire Desiree as our night nurse for our next child. And, once again, Desiree not only met all our expectations, she exceeded them. Desiree eagerly began her responsibilities from the moment we returned home from the hospital with our daughter.
Beyond her duties as a night nurse, she took on the role as our educator. Desiree shared her vast knowledge and experience of infants with us by example, in addition to numerous discussions and hands-on guidance. One of the most important aspects of working with Desiree was for her assistance in getting our daughter on a schedule (eating, sleeping, etc.). I am proud to write that with Desiree’s help, our daughter was on an ideal schedule and sleeping through the night at seven weeks of age.
Throughout her time with us, Desiree was always extremely professional, punctual and conscientious and demonstrated great pride in her ability. Additionally, she made herself available to help train our daytime nanny on newborn sleep training. Desiree took a personal interest in our daughter’s life; even after her job with us, she wanted to ensure our daughter’s well-being. I am honored to have had the pleasure of working with Desiree Nessline on two occasions. Both of our daughters’ health, happiness and advanced development are all proof of Desiree’s outstanding abilities. I highly recommend her to any family that is fortunate to hire her as their night nurse.
Desiree came highly recommended to us from several of our “family friends.” We hired her in May and she was there for our family the moment we came home from the hospital with our third child. With us already having two young children at home, she helped make the transition of bringing home our baby easy for everyone. Desiree is extremely professional and has a great gift with babies. She is very loving and caring, even our older kids loved her right away. She was there for me to help me with breastfeeding, organizing the nursery, feeding and bathing the baby and to give me the emotional support I needed. The most amazing thing she did though was to help our baby to sleep through the night by 10 weeks. Our baby is now the best sleeper in the whole house! We did not have to go through the sleepless nights that we experienced with our first two babies. Our baby is a very happy baby because he is getting the sleep he needs and we are much happier parents because we are also getting the sleep we need. Instead of being sleep deprived, we are truly able to enjoy and cherish these times with our beautiful family… that is priceless and we owe it all to Desiree. If you have the chance to hire her as your Newborn Care Specialist, do so right away. She is a phenomenal resource and infant sleep trainer and was worth every penny.
I am writing this letter of recommendation for Desiree Nessline out of pure thankfulness and appreciation of her! I absolutely do not know what we would have done without her guidance. We are first time parents and needed help right when we got home from the hospital. Her professionalism and expertise were just what we needed, from helping us learn to change a diaper, give a bath, sleep scheduling (our 3 month old sleeps though the night!), breastfeeding tips, swaddling, etc. we really learned a lot! What I really admire about Desiree is that after she finished working with us her sincere care about our baby. She is always willing to answer questions over the phone or e-mail. She is accessible, flexible, and wants what is absolute best for the baby. You can tell right away from meeting her that she is a passionate baby lover. I would give my highest recommendation to any new parents to have Desiree in their home. Please feel free to contact me with any questions if you are considering hiring her because I am sure you will be able to tell how ecstatic we were to have her by speaking with us!
What can we say that others before us have not already said? Until babies start coming out with instruction manuals, she is the next best thing. We were hesitant to entrust our newborn to a stranger, but after speaking with friends and family who worked with her, we gave in. She is amazing! She made the first month of our daughter’s life a pleasure, even relaxing. When we had our first two children, our house was like a circus trying to figure everything out. Our daughter is 4 weeks old and she has better sleep habits now than our 5 and 3 year old. For anybody who wants a little sleep and sanity during this wonderful time, Desiree is the answer.
It is with great pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Desiree Nessline. Desiree was initially hired to be our Baby Nurse for our new born baby from December 16- 30. We were so delighted with Desiree; we extended her employment until February 1.
As new parents we realized that when we left the hospital our baby didn’t come with an instruction manual. We relied heavily on Desiree to assist us with all aspects of our new venture. Desiree was take charge and showed us everything we could have possibly asked for. Desiree explained and showed us how all of the new items for our baby worked. This entailed everything from bottle sterilization to swaddling and everything in between. Desiree not only showed us how to perform these tasks, but also explained to us why and how they will benefit our child.
Our baby responded beautifully to the ways Desiree interacted with her. Desiree knew at every time why our baby was crying or being fussy. She helped us understand those needs and showed us how to accommodate them.
Desiree was extremely accommodating to our needs as she worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for us during the first few weeks. Once we felt more comfortable as new parents, we transitioned to a 40 hour work week. Desiree was prompt and arrived at our home on time every night.
I would highly recommend Desiree to anyone who is looking for a Baby Nurse. I have referred her to all of our friends that are expecting. I know she will meet and exceed all of your expectations!
It is my pleasure to provide a letter of recommendation for Desiree Nessline. Desiree has worked for us from February 2, 2006 to the present, as both a 24 hour and nighttime newborn care specialist, for our new born child.
From the moment Desiree arrived, she provided guidance, caring, and support to help first time parents become more comfortable in caring the needs of our baby daughter. Coming home from the hospital with a 3 day old baby can be a traumatic event, but Desiree helped to make us feel competent and ensure all of our baby’s needs were taken care of. Since I had a C- section, it was difficult to get around, but Desiree provided tremendous support in helping me and my husband during these first few weeks of recovery. Desiree has so much knowledge, experience and genuine love for babies that shows in all she does and all that she has taught us.
Desiree was not only a newborn care specialist for our child, but a teacher for us as parents. From the basics of breastfeeding, to caring and bathing our child, to establishing a daily routine, Desiree has clearly helped during these most anxious times. She quickly established a great rapport with us as well as a very nurturing relationship with our daughter. Desiree is very reliable, always positive and cheerful and extremely trustworthy. As just one example of her incredible care and commitment, Desiree changed her personal plans and rushed to our house to care for our daughter when I had to be taken to the Emergency Room. In many ways, she has been more that a baby nurse and more of a part of our family!
Not only would we highly recommend Desiree to anyone seeking a baby nurse, we will surely seek her assistance if we are fortunate to have another child. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
We highly recommend Desiree Nessline to anyone who has a newborn and wishes to train their baby to sleep through the night.
We hired Desiree to help us for 10 weeks after our son was born. Desiree was always very prompt, courteous and professional. We felt very comfortable entrusting our newborn to Desiree.
By the end of the 10 week period, our son was consistently sleeping through the night for a stretch of 12 hours. Desiree also was very observant and quickly notified us when our son was beginning to develop a flat head in the back and she provided us with corrective action which has worked.
Desiree was also a terrific resource regarding many other issues of our son’s care and development.
Desiree also helped us to re-train our two year old son to sleep through the night and to end his nightly tantrums.
We greatly appreciate the care which Desiree gave to our newborn son and we are pleased to have had her help.
Desiree Nessline was our Newborn Care Specialist immediately following the birth of our daughter. As first time parents, is was welcoming to see her upon our arrival home from the hospital. Desiree was a wealth of knowledge, education and support. She was loving, gentle and took much care with every interaction.
Desiree trained us as parents on how to care for our baby. She educated us on the basics of our daughter. Several things we learned were how to correctly swaddle, burp and bathe her. Perhaps the most helpful thing we learned from Desiree was getting into a routine and placing our daughter on a schedule specific to her personality and needs. This provided us with consistency and stability at a time when our lives changed completely. Desiree’s watchful eye helped alert possible problems and bad habits that would be detrimental to our daughter’s well being. She discussed these issues with us and gave us several different solutions to remedy them.
Desiree helped empower us as first time parents to gain the confidence and tools needs to do the job effectively. Not only was Desiree helpful in teaching us newborn care, she was also an incredible support system in regards to breastfeeding and after care for Mother. Desiree helped us with locating resources for further stages of development, as well as assured us that she would be available should we have any pressing questions or concerns.
It was comforting to watch as Desiree took care of our baby as if she was her own child. Without hesitation, we recommend her to provide services for any family in need of newborn care. She will be a valuable asset to any family seeking assistance.
For a period exceeding ten weeks, Desiree Nessline worked for us as a Newborn Care Specialist for our daughter. The main focus of her job was centered on the issues inherent in the birth of a 27-week old, premature baby, but quickly developed into a more expansive role encompassing the care of our 2 year old, our pets and our home.
Desiree’s duties included, but were not limited to:
- Placing our baby on a schedule.
- Helping us understand how to work with our baby’s acid reflux.
- The nightly feedings, administering medications throughout the night and monitoring of surgical issues from a stomach operation.
- Care for our 2 year old during times of urgency.
- Care of both children while we traveled out of the country for 5 days.
- Care of our pets and our home while we traveled out of the country.
- Urgent response availability while we overcame post-birth health issues.
We were extremely pleased with the trust and friendship that developed between Desiree and our family and highly recommend her to families requiring the utmost attention and care.We hope that you are fortunate enough to hire Desiree.
Desiree came highly recommended to me from two other families that had the opportunity to work with her. It was not until my twin girls came home that I realized what a blessing she truly was. I have learned so much from her and don’t know how I would have gotten through these early weeks without her.
Desiree is warm, professional, dependable, extremely knowledgeable and has a true passion for her job. She has taught me how to establish a routine that has my 9 week old daughters sleeping effortlessly through the night, even though they were 6 weeks premature and no one thought this was a possibility. Any questions I have had, she has answered with the wisdom of her experience and knowledge. She really seems to know everything there is to know about newborns!
I really can’t say enough great things about Desiree. She has made my first few months with my twins not only manageable, but truly more enjoyable than they would have ever been without her.
It is with great honor and a pure privilege to write this letter of recommendation for Desiree Nessline. We started our search for a night nurse the week we found out we were pregnant. We asked friends, neighbors and co-workers who they had used, as we didn’t want to go through an agency. We wanted someone that came recommended from someone we knew and trusted. We came across Desiree Nessline’s name 8 times. It was a “no brainer” who we would bring into our home to work with us.
Desiree worked with our newborn son for 12 weeks. She worked with our son so he could sleep for a 12 hour stretch at night, which we are forever grateful for. Desiree is very down to earth, extremely comfortable to be around (which we were a bit worried about), trustworthy, punctual, professional, knowledgeable and definitely has a genuine love for her work that shines through. Desiree was flexible, coming in early if needed and always trying to be of help to our chaotic family. She definitely goes above and beyond! We loved having Desiree in our home and my family misses seeing her at night. (My older children LOVED her.) She stays in contact with us, making sure that we are doing well and things are going good.
We recommend her to all our our friends in need of a night nurse. She is the best!
I can’t express enough how thrilled we were that we hired Desiree to sleep train our newborn twins. After only 8 short weeks they were sleeping twelve hours a night! Not only is Desiree an expert in sleep training, but she is a wealth of knowledge and helped to guide us through all sorts of questions and things that came up in the first few months of our babies’ lives. As new parents with not much experience around infants this was extremely helpful. She helped put our minds at ease and truly made our experience as new parents SO much more enjoyable. We trust her completely and consider her as part of our family. We were even able to sneak away for a much needed Vegas trip without worrying at all because we knew our girls were in great hands…How priceless is that!!!
Desiree is wonderful! She is so sweet, and takes into consideration all of the factors that affect you and your baby’s sleep. Her confident manner convinced me to follow her schedule even though I was hesitant to do so. Within 24 hours the proof was in the results! My baby slept more in the next few days than he had in a week of me trying everything I could think of. Desiree is always available to answer questions and provide advice. She checks in multiple times per day to make sure everything is going well for baby and parents, cheers on successes and creates solutions for lingering issues. Desiree is a baby whisperer!!! For your sanity and your baby’s health, the cost is well worth it; it’s an investment towards baby’s development and everyone’s happiness.