How a Sick Baby Can Derail Sleep Success

How a Sick Baby Can Derail Sleep Success

There few things worse than dealing with a sick baby. One of those being a sick baby that you were working so hard to find sleep success with, and worrying about how this will derail the process you’ve made. You may be asking yourself now what do I do? The good news...
Sleepy Signs: How to Tell If Your Baby Needs Sleep

Sleepy Signs: How to Tell If Your Baby Needs Sleep

As we all know, ( but totally wish ) our babies don’t come with a manual. It’s all learning as you go. The good news is that before you pull your hair out trying to figure out what’s going on, your baby is giving you some subtle (and sometimes, not so subtle) clues...
Baby Weight Gain: What’s Normal?

Baby Weight Gain: What’s Normal?

There are so many different questions that make you wake up in the middle of the night with a pit of worry deep inside after you’ve had your baby. Many of these questions fluctuate, but usually, they have a common theme of normalcy. Knowing that your baby is following...
Struggling with the Witching Hour?

Struggling with the Witching Hour?

Are you having a real problem with the witching hour in your home? I don’t mean the midnight witching hour either. I’m talking about newborn witching hour. That time at the end of the day when your baby is overly fussy, but no matter what you do to help, it doesn’t...